Write What You Need To Hear

Write For This One Person

Mastery: Write For This One Person

Issue No. 36 | September 4th, 2023 | Read Time: 2 Minutes

Happy Monday Everyone!

Everyone is an artist.

And I don't mean that we're all painters.

I mean that everyone has some form of artistic ability inside of them.

Because every day we're creating something that wasn't there before.

Every time you reorganize your desk, change your room, write that email, or doodle on that notepad, you're creating something new.

And that's what being an artist is all about.

And just because you don't have an audience doesn't mean it's worthless.

Because the only person you should be trying to impress is you.

Which leads me to my next point.

I want you to write for yourself.

I'm willing to guarantee there's not a single person reading this who doesn't know how to write. 

And I never said you had to be good.

You just have to write well enough to understand it yourself. 

So what exactly do I mean by writing for yourself?

I think this quote will help you understand what I'm saying. . .

"If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it."

 — Toni Morrison

Because the greatest lessons in life come from living your own.

And in order to live life to your greatest potential, you have to write it out in front of you.

In other words, write for yourself.

Write about who your 10.0 self is going to be.

Write about how you're going to start that business.

Write about the life you want to be living in the next 10 years.

And along the way, you'll begin to see a book come together of your dream life.

And it'll inspire you so much that you'll do everything in your power to make it happen now.

And that's the best form of motivation there is.

So go out and write the best book you've ever read.

Because your #1 fan is waiting for it.

Until next time,

Isaiah Taylor

Dive Deeper

What I'm Currently Reading -

I'm still reading

$100 Offers

by Alex Hormozi, a great book on crafting offers and maximizing profit within your business.

  • If you'd like to see my notes pertaining to any other book I have previously read, then check out my websiteisaiahctaylor.comto view my entire library of notes and summaries.

Quote Of The Week

  • "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." — Ralph Waldo Emerson