Mastery Monday

Three Lessons To Take With You Going Into 2023

Mastery: Three Lessons To Take With You Going Into 2023

Issue No. 1 |

January 2nd, 2022

Happy Monday Everyone!

With my first issue of the Mastery Monday newsletter being sent out at the beginning of 2023, I think it's only fitting that I share some lessons that you can take with you going into the new year. I've applied these to my own life this last year and have seen amazing results and am looking to share them in hopes they will for you to. 

Do Something Every Day

Life gets in the way sometimes, and we take these opportunities and use them as excuses to get ourselves out of obligations that we know we should do. But no matter what happens or how we feel, ensure that you do something every single day that betters you both physically or mentally.

And I'm not referring to a full two hour workout session or read a book a day. But simply do


. Every day read a single page of a self-development book you've been wanting to read. Or go on a 5 minute walk. Just do something every single day that lets you know you are always striving towards excellence. These small actions lead to big results over time. It may not seem much in the moment, but eventually you'll see a change that will almost happen instantly. 

Never Miss Two Days

Most New Years Resolutions typically have to do with creating a new habit. Whether it's working out, reading, journaling, or meal prepping, these are all goals that we wish to enact in our lives on a daily basis. But studies show that less than 8% of people actually stick to their resolutions/habits throughout the entirety of the year. 

So what can you do?

Never miss two days in a row.

Know that perfection isn't possible and life inevitably gets in the way. And so missing a 24 hour period where you don't perform your habits is to eventually happen. But do your best to not miss two days in a row. As James Clear states in his book Atomic Habits,

"missing once is an accident, missing twice is the start of a bad habit."

So give yourself some slack throughout the year but not enough to fall out of your habit completely.

Know What You Can And Cannot Change

A major source of anxiety is the negative anticipation of something that we believe is about to happen. A way you can conquer this feeling going into the New Year is to employ a tactic by the Stoic Philosopher Epictetus. He states in his written work 'Discourses' that

"the chief task in life is simply this: to identify and separate matters so that I can say clearly to myself which are externals not under my control, and which have to do with the choices I actually control."

Meaning we need to become aware of how to tell the difference in events that we can, and cannot change. For if it is something we cannot change, then there is no point in being angry at the world or yourself because it will make no difference. Rather, if it is something you can change that you're in anticipation of, then focus your efforts on changing it for the better. Using this Stoic tactic will not only give you mental clarity through every situation in your life, but will make you happier to live through them. 

The New Year is about consistency, realignment, and mastery over the mind. These don't happen over night, but it's the effort that makes it worth it. Do yourself a favor this year and be persistent against every endeavor and push beyond the excuses. Be apart of that 8% and don't just show the world what you're capable of, but your future self one year from now. Because the only person you should be looking to impress is yourself. 

Until next time,

Isaiah Taylor

Dive Deeper

What I'm Currently Reading -

Right now I'm in the middle of reading '

' by Jordan Peterson. A beautifully articulated book on 12 more rules for life that you should adopt to live a healthier lifestyle not just physically, but mentally.

  • If you'd like to see my book notes pertaining to this book or any others I have previously read, then check out my websiteisaiahctaylor.comto view my entire library of notes and summaries.

Recent Article I'd Recommend

- An article titled: 

by famous Author Deepak Chopra speaks on how to find your best lifestyle simply by "waking up." Highly recommend reading if you are looking for a little extra inspiration to figure out how to make 2023 your year.

Quote Of The Week

  • "You can listen to your fears and pay with your life, or you can pay the price of overcoming your fears and live." — John C. Maxwell