Learn To Love Adversity

Learn To Love Adversity

Mastery: Learn To Love Adversity

Issue No. 4 | January 23rd, 2023 | Read Time: 2 Minutes

Happy Monday Everyone!

I believe it has become obvious that progress doesn't happen without adversity. We've begun to realize that success isn't easy, and it shouldn't be taken for granted. But despite knowing this, we still tend to run away from it. We fear it not only because it's difficult, but because deep down we realize the change it'll bring into our lives.

How can we overcome this fear and resentment of adversity? It starts with our perception of it and how we value its worth. Stop looking at life's challenges as obstacles, and start looking at them as opportunities. Opportunities that will help us strengthen our minds or open a new path for us in life. 

It's true that progress doesn't occur unless you're challenging yourself. But understand that the larger the obstacle, the more you'll grow. So don't be afraid when you've hit a roadblock that seems too large to overcome. Because the size of your battle determines the size of your growth.

Look back on your previous challenges and imagine where you'd be now if you had lived without them. Start growing a sense of appreciation for them because you never would have had the opportunities that led you to where you are now. 

Seneca, an ancient Stoic Philosopher said that

"no man is more unhappy than he who never faces adversity. For he is not permitted to prove himself."

Signifying that it is life's challenges that which makes us happy. It may not seem prevalent in the current moment, but over time you begin to realize that it was those moments that allowed you to prove yourself to the world your ability to persevere and not quit. 

If anything, be excited that you've come upon adversity. It means you're making progress and that you're willing to fight for what's rightfully yours. Because nothing hard comes easy, and frankly, that's what makes achieving it that much sweeter. 

What you believe is in your way is actually a door that opens to the other side. So don't just shy away from the roadblocks that arise, but learn to love them. And realize that

"what stands in the way becomes the way."

 — Marcus Aurelius

Until next time,

Isaiah Taylor

Dive Deeper

What I'm Currently Reading -

I'm now reading

by the Category Pirates. A book on what it takes to be a writer who dominates in their field and create a reputation that is aligned with helping the world. 

  • If you'd like to see my notes pertaining to any of the books I have previously read, then check out my website isaiahctaylor.com to view my entire library of notes and summaries.

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by James Clear is a fantastic article on the benefits of journaling, even if you only write one sentence a day. It's a great read if you're looking to get into journaling but don't know where to start.

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  • "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." — Albert Einstein