Confidence Comes From Familiarity

Confidence Comes From Familiarity

Mastery: Confidence Comes From Familiarity

Issue No. 25 | June 19th, 2023 | Read Time: 3 Minutes

Happy Monday Everyone!

I'm going to start this week's newsletter a little different. I want to tell you a story of what life was like for me at the ripe age of 20.

It was shortly after my birthday, and I wasn't any closer to finding out what I wanted to do with my life.

But after reading

Rich Dad Poor Dad

by Robert Kiyosaki, I happened to stumble upon the world of Real Estate investing.

Of course, there was one problem. I was broke.

And if you know anything about investing in Real Estate, you can't really do anything without the money to back it.

So I dived deeper and found out about wholesaling. 

For those that don't know, wholesaling is a strategy where you can obtain a contract on a property, and then assign that contract to an investor for a higher price than what you originally got it for.

And the difference is what you get paid. The best part is, it requires very little to no upfront capital on your end.

As a broke 20-year-old, I thought this was the jackpot. But my plans changed when I met with a local Real Estate agent who quickly sold me on the idea of becoming a Realtor instead.

And just like that, I took my 63-hour pre-licensing course, passed my test, and got hired on with a brokerage all within 30 days. 

That's the power of determination.

But now I was faced with a confidence issue. I had no idea how to prospect, how to talk to clients, or even write a contract. 

That lack of confidence quickly turned into self-doubt and the thought of whether or not this career path was for me. 

With the help of my team leader and constantly putting myself out there, my confidence grew as I became involved in the community.

It took about a year, but I finally reached the point to where I was comfortable with maneuvering through a transaction without the help of others or hosting an open house without the fear of messing up.

And now, I'm confident in my abilities as a Real Estate Agent because I took the time to experience all it has to offer.

What I'm trying to say is that confidence comes from trial and error. 

Whenever you're trying something new, whether it's starting a new business, writing your first article, or creating your website, you're going to wonder if you're doing the right thing because you feel this sense of fear.

But it's not necessarily fear that you're feeling, it's just a lack of confidence.

And confidence comes from familiarity.

It's just like playing a new video game. You may die a dozen times, but it's okay because you're focused on learning the controls and how the map works. Once you become familiar with it, that's when you start to become a pro.

So put yourself out there and immerse yourself in the process because eventually you'll see there's nothing to fear. 

Take it from me, just give it a chance and I promise you the confidence is not too far behind.

Until next time,

Isaiah Taylor

Dive Deeper

What I'm Currently Reading -

I'm now reading


by Donald Miller, a book on the art of storytelling and how you can implement it into your marketing strategies.

  • If you'd like to see my notes pertaining to any of the other books I have previously read, then check out my websiteisaiahctaylor.comto view my entire library of notes and summaries.

Quote Of The Week

  • "Retreat from the things that attract us and rouse ourselves to meet the things that actually attack us." — Seneca