3-Minute Mastery: When Life Throws An Egg At You...

Issue No. 101 | December 2nd, 2024

You’ve seen it in the movies.

It’s typically found in the older ones, but it’ll be something like your classic high school movie where the new kid falls into a group of troublemakers and they teach him the ropes by egging someones house at night.

Nine times out of ten it’s usually their history teacher or something.

You know the one.

What I’m getting at is that being egged, whether it’s your house, or even you, isn’t a good thing.

It’s a way to put you down. A way to embarrass you in front of others.

But nowadays it’s not going to be your local high schoolers throwing eggs at you. More than likely, it’s just going to be life.

It can be anything from your car breaking down in the middle of an intersection to forgetting your speech during a presentation at work.

Anything that’ll make you feel inferior.

It might not happen often, but it does happen. And when it does, there’s only one way you should respond. And who better to tell it than Arnold Schwarzenegger.

So back in 2003 when Arnold was running for the governor of California, he was walking through a crowd at a Rally at California State University as a campaign to replace the sitting governor.

As he made his way through the thousands of people trying to shake his hand and pat him on the back, an egg came flying across the screen—this whole event was televised if you’d like to see it here—and hit him on the shoulder, breaking open and splattering all over his sports jacket.

But instead of letting it deter him, he simply took off his coat, handed it to his escort, and kept walking through the crowd with a smile on his face greeting all those who came to see him

Later, during an interview with NBC’s Tom Brokaw, the topic of the egg incident came up. Tom asked Arnold what was his reaction and this is what he had to say:

“Well this guy owes me bacon now.”

Of course he goes on about how this is a free country and people are welcome to voice their opinions, but it’s fascinating to see how his first thought is to pretty much say, “Is that it?”

I think we can all learn from Arnold in that sometimes we just need to laugh whenever an egg is thrown at us. To stand up to the opposition of life and be willing to scrape it off and keep going.

Until next time,
Isaiah Taylor

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What I’m Currently Reading - I’m now reading Living Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg. A book on how to be a diffuser of tense situations and calm the tense people around you.

Quote Of The Week - “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” — Babe Ruth